
FITE Buddies

Navigate to the Buddies page and you find relevant information about FITE Buddies. Let’s bring your attention to your unique link. You can copy the link and share it around with your friends. Alternatively, click on the social media icon to share the invitation to your social media profiles.

When your friends connect wallets using your unique link, you will be able to track and monitor them. Just click one of the Track Now buttons.

On the Tracking page you will find some important data:

Potential Buddies Commission

This data shows the potential commission you can earn, assuming all your Qualified Buddies have validated the maximum amount and meet all conditions.

Total Invited

This shows the total number of Buddies who connected wallets using your unique link. This includes all Buddies regardless of whether they meet all criteria.

Qualified Buddies Today

This shows the total number of Buddies who meet all conditions. You are only able to claim Buddies Commission from Qualified Buddies. This data fluctuates daily as the criteria status changes.


In the Tracking table, you will find all your Buddies who connected their wallets. You can sort them based on the referral level. For better identification, you may add a nickname for every Buddy listed. When you click on any particular Buddy, you can check the current status of your Buddy. In order for you to be eligible for the Buddies Commission, all 3 criteria must be met.

  • You must validate and hold a minimum amount of 2,500 ftToken
  • Your Buddy must validate and hold a minimum amount of ftToken
  • Your Buddy has claimed his/her FITE Rewards

Note: The above criteria serve as a general reference. FITERs can have different requirements or criteria for claiming Buddies Commission.

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