
Here Comes The Rewards

FITE offers not one but two rewards. Both FITE Rewards and Buddies Commission are credited and accumulated automatically when you fulfil the requirements. All you have to do is to claim them.

FITE Rewards

To be eligible for FITE Rewards, the following criteria must be met:

  • Validate at least one FITER
  • Get liquid tokens (Eg: ftToken) and hold them in the wallet
  • FITE Rewards in USDT will be credited on a daily basis, based on APR and the amount of ftToken you hold


You validate a FITER and in return, you get 2,500 ftToken and hold them in your wallet. Based on an APR of 120%, you will receive daily FITE Rewards of around:

(2,500 x 120%)/365 = 8.22 USDT

FITE Rewards are accrued daily at a specific cut-off point. Rewards are credited automatically if the above criteria are met with a validation of at least 24 hours from the cut-off point. Check out the example below for clarification.

Example 1:

Validation: 1/12/2023 20:00:00 GMT
Cut-Off Point: Daily at 00:00:00 GMT

On 3/12/2023 00:00:00 GMT onwards, you will receive the daily FITE Rewards.

Example 2:

Cut-Off Point: Daily at 00:00:00 GMT
Validation: 2/12/2023 01:00:00 GMT

On 3/12/2023 00:00:00 GMT, you will not receive the daily FITE Rewards as the validation is less than 24 hours.

On 4/12/2023 00:00:00 GMT onwards, you will receive the daily FITE Rewards.

Navigating the FITE Rewards page, you will be presented with:

USDT Amount Available to Claim

Simply click the Claim button and insert the amount you wish to claim. Make sure you have enough ETH to cover the gas fee. The claiming process should take anywhere from a few minutes to a day, depending on the network traffic. Once a claim is successful, you will receive your original assets (Eg: USDT) back in your wallet.

Lifetime Earnings

This section shows your total FITE Rewards earned since your first validation. See your earnings build up!

Daily Earnings

This section shows the record of your daily FITE Rewards.

Claim History

This section shows the record of all your claims.

Buddies Commission

To be eligible for Buddies Commission, the following criteria must be met:

  • Validate at least one FITER for a minimum amount of 2,500 ftToken
  • Successfully invited at least one Qualified Buddy with a minimum amount of ftToken
  • Qualified Buddy has claimed his/her FITE Rewards

Buddy Commission in USDT will be credited based on the Commission Rate of 20% and the amount of FITE Rewards claimed by the Qualified Buddy for up to 2 levels.



Alice invites Bob and Bob invites Charles. Assuming Alice, Bob and Charles claimed their FITE Rewards of 250 USDT each,

For Bob

  • 20% Buddies Commission from Charles (Level 1): 250 * 20% = 50 USDT
    Total: 50 USDT

For Alice

  • 20% Buddies Commission from Bob (Level 1): 250 * 20% = 50 USDT
  • 20% Buddies Commission from Charles (Level 2): 250 * 20% = 50 USDT
    Total: 100 USDT

In total, Alice earns an extra Buddies Commission of 100 USDT.

Buddies Commissions are accrued only after your Buddies claim their FITE Rewards. Note that there can be a delay of up to 10 minutes for commissions to be accrued. Rewards are then credited automatically if all criteria are met.

It is worth mentioning that Buddies Commission are rewarded on top of FITE Rewards. This means that Alice and Bob will earn extra Buddies Commission of 100 USDT and 50 USDT respectively, while keeping their 250 USDT FITE Rewards.

Navigating the Buddies Commission page, you will be presented with:

USDT Amount Available to Claim

Simply click the Claim button and insert the amount you wish to claim. Make sure you have enough ETH to cover the gas fee. The claiming process should take anywhere from a few minutes to a day, depending on the network traffic. Once a claim is successful, you will receive the commission in your wallet.

Lifetime Earnings

This section shows your total Buddies Commission earned. See your earnings build up by inviting more Buddies!

Commission Earnings

This section shows the record of your Commission Earnings. The data is filtered by wallet addresses and is updated daily. Find out who is the best performing Buddy from this data.

Claim History

This section shows the record of all your claims.

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